Real EstateĀ Blog &Ā Podcast

Episode 154: Say NO to MORE and YES to LESS - Cody Hofhine

brrrr method david dodge discount property investor michael slane podcast real estate 101 real estate coaching real estate investing real estate investor real estate tips wholesaling wholesaling real estate Sep 22, 2022

Show Notes

In this Video David Dodge Interviews Cody Hofhine from Wholeasaling Inc. David and Cody talk about how they got into real estate investing and what Cody did prior to being a real estate investor and coach. Cody sold insurance for years before he got into the real estate investing game but when he did he hit the ground running! Cody is now one of the founds and owners of "Wholesaling Inc" which is a podcast and coaching program. It is most likely the NUMBER 1 wholesale coaching program on the Planet.

Cody tells David how it all started with Tom Kroll and back in 2017 and how they become friends while Tom was Coaching Cody back in the beginning. At this point, Cody Hofhine, Tom Kroll & Brent Daniels all host the podcast episodes and it was great to get to connect with Cody. He has such awesome energy and David is grateful for the opportunity.

Things that cover in this episode:

  • Who is Cody Hofhine?
  • How they got in Real Estate Investing
  • Cody's Coaching Program
  • How Cody and Tom Kroll starts way back 2017
  • Shares his experience in life
  • Tips on how to become successful in business
  • Having a business partner will help you to be successful
  • Wholeasaling Inc.

Check out Steve on Social Media:

Cody Hofhine and Tom Krol Podcast:

Links mentioned in this Episode:

Cody's Special Offer to Davids Audience:

Episode Transcripts

David: Alright guys, welcome back to the Discount Property Investor podcast. I am your host David Dodge. My co-host Mike Slane is actually at City Hall getting permits for one of our rehabs today. However, I am joined by a very special guest. I would like to say we are due to meet and podcast together. So I would like to please welcome Cody Hofhine from Wholesaling Inc. Cody, how the hell are ya today?

Cody: Yeah! Dude, I'm doing good. I think we've hit and missed each other so many times that we will talk to each other maybe on Instagram or Facebook. Here we are! This is exciting that I finally get to meet you as well.

David: Hey, thanks for coming on the show today, Cody. So the thing about Cody is that I've seen and heard of Cody. I see their podcast episodes, and some advertisements online from times to time. You have made yourself quite famous. So I know of you, but I don't know you, so I want to take this time to get to know you a little bit. I wanted to talk about the coaching program that you guys have built and continue to run.

Cody: Yep.

David: Also if you wouldn't mind letting the audience, the listeners, the viewes know a little bit about how it came to be. I always like the stories of whenever you are talking with a successful person that has a successful business, how they got there.

Cody: Sure.

David: What step did they take so we can all take away some value and learn from this.

Cody: Sure.

David: Cody, thanks for coming on the show.

Cody: Yeah, yeah. If I get long winded, do not hesitated to say, Cody now now, we have got to get through this in a certain amount of time. Feel free to stop me wherever you need to. Talk a little bit more about that, please, please. Interject and we'll go.

Let's go real quick on some of this stuff. 2010 till 2015, I was an insurance agent doing that just strictly, just insurance agent. I got quickly into the point where I was insuring a ton of fix and flip investors. That was kind of in my mind was going to be the best avatar. I would go to the REIA meetings, not to learn about real estate. It's so funny that I was just there for-- hi can I sign up your rental?

David: You were there for the networking?

Cody: Selfish reasons, I just wanted to build my book of business. I would go there all the time. I started insuring just a ton of them. As an insurance agent, if that was my long term goal, it would probably would not have been the best avatar. I was insuring all the fix and flips. They are on the book, they're off the book. You are insuring them for three months and then they are gone again.

David: You are going to get that person's next deal maybe-- but not going to be a seven or ten year payout.

Cody: That's right. So just a crappy crappy policy. But, for whatever reason, my mind was intrigued and inspired to go down that journey. Low and behold, if I know-- standing where I'm at today, did I know that was going to be the future I could actually get into the real estate world? No, far from it. Now, looking at-- here we are talking together, and now looking back and knowing what I know. It's like oh my gosh, that was so inspired from someone a lot more than me, of leading and guiding me down a path that would be more fruitful, would be more fulfilling. Something I would be more happy about. A way to just really serve people. If there is anything in life I love to do, and I was taught from a young age and was reminded throughout my life; that is if you can just find something that you love to do, and just serve people with excellence. The money is always going to be the byproduct.

David: So again, the listeners and viewers; guys, I don't know Cody, this is the first time we have talked really on this podcast. I want to-- I am trying to think of the right word here. I want to reiterate that and prove it. When I messaged Cody on Instagram, the first thing he said was, brother, how can I provide value? So I love it. Boom, you nailed it.

Cody: That's the truth of it. I have had good people come into my life. David, you probably have had people that have came into your life that have taught you something or meant to be there for you in your life. I wish I could say everything is unicorn and rainbows, but I actually don't believe I would be the person I am if I didn't go through my moments of trial, tribulation and challenges. As an insurance agent, my first year I made $19'000. I had two kids and mortgage payment and my wife. It's like, 19 grand doesn't add up, it just never does. We were in a neighborhood where someone felt in tuned and inspired to stop by and always say hi, and say some kind of encouraging word. He would either bring ice cream shakes, or a plate of cookies. He was like, hey my family is thinking of you, have a good night. No one knew we were broke, we were though, we were really broke. No one knew that, we didn't share that with anyone, I wore a smile everywhere. You would always see me smiling. At the bottom of those cookie plates, the bottom of the cups for the ice cream, there would be like $500-1000 taped to it.

David: What!

Cody: I'm not lying. This guy was incredible, and he was just in tune. He felt there was a need. I never told him that. What's not coincidental is that it was also the money we needed to get by. And so even though I had great parents and a great raising for always serve, always give more than you ever truly charge-- whatever you charge in price, always make sure you always give more in that in value, and you will always have a business that always goes. I was taught that as just a young child working with my dad in construction. I got to watch that. As I grew up, those messages continued to go, and people in my life saying the exact same thing. So it just kept me on track. Once I really adopted that mind set, even though I have heard it my whole life. I actually stopped worrying about me, and just simply started focusing on the client, or the student, or the person that is sitting in front of me telling me they are losing their home, they need to be gone in seven days. It's like, I'm not worried about the home anymore. I am just going to sit and find out how to serve this person. We are all out there saying, I can give you a cash offer, we will buy it as is, and we have no real estate commissions, and there will be no fees and blah blah blah. We start to sound like Charlie Brown's mom. It's like, where do we differentiate our self, and how do we do something different? Man, there are so many times we sit down with the families that were going to be purchasing their home, we are helping them in more than one way. We are helping them move to their next home. We are helping them-- one had never been on a trip for a long time. So we are like, listen, where do you wanna go. They said, well we would love to go down to St George. We put them up in a big old home so they can enjoy their family down in St George. I don't want to be the person that goes out there and says, we buy homes cash, as is, no commissions. It's like, how do I go over and above? The byproduct is, don't worry about the home. Just worry about them, be a problem solver. If you can have the mind set of, we are really not in the real estate game, we are in the problem solving game.

David: You are in the people game.

Cody: That's right.

David: Absolutely.

Cody: If you can solve their problems, the byproduct is you get a contract that allows you to purchase their home. This gentleman who came to my neighborhood taught me that.

David: So this was while you were an agent?

Cody: That's right. When I was broke. That was $19'000 a year, bumped up to 27 the second year. He would just conveniently come by so-- me and Wendy-- my wife Wendy, we decided to like-- we always give back. So whether people have a spiritual side or not, whether it's a God, whether it's Karma, Universe, whatever it is. Ours is God and we are just committed to God. We say, hey we want to successful, not for us, but we want to be successful so we can help more individuals. We want to have an impact on people's life, just like this individual had on our lives. That's when it just started clicking. That's when it started coming together like-- okay, here is an opportunity, what are you going to do with it? We got the opportunity and remembered, we had to stay true and honest to that commitment. We would set aside X amount of dollars to help people. All of a sudden the next opportunity would come. It's like, okay here is a bigger opportunity, what are you going to do with it? I feel like you can't out give the giver, you can't out give the earth. Whatever you want to call it; karma, whatever you want to call it, you can't out give the giver. If your purpose and sole purpose is to serve people and give, give, give; it just keeps coming back ten fold. That has always been the principle behind what I do and how I run my business. I want it to bless other people lives, not just mind. I think that one mind set has been able to-- because I don't feel like I deserve that I have. I don't, I feel like-- gosh this is so generous.

David: People who have that mindset, Cody, from-- I have a lot of mentors, and I'm sure you do. A lot of master minds. There's a lot of-- there are quite a few people who feel that way. What I've taken away, is that the people that feel that way are the ones that have given so much value--.

Cody: Yeah.

David: -- that it's like-- it's good to be humble, but at the same time-- man, having that feeling is a good feeling.

Cody: It is, it is. Here is what lines it up, here is what will be different in real estate and I think it will all tie in. When it comes to just life in general, my wife and I are committed to-- in fact, short story; Tom my business partner with Wholesaling Inc, he had just payed off his home. This was probably in January of February of 2017. He is like, Cody the most incredible feeling. It won't make sense because it is just a $1500 mortgage. If I gave myself a $1500 raise-- who cares? It's $1500 a month. That could be spent quickly. He is like, Cody, for whatever reason, it's the feeling I'm feeling. Like, the feeling that I'm feeling that I don't have a mortgage payment. I'm like, oh my gosh, like this inspired me. We had our event, 2017, we are in Salt Lake City here in my home town. I stand up on stage, my wife, we just-- barely had a child. She is sitting there in the front row holding him. I stand up on stage and there is like 200 people there. I said, hey guys, I owe darn near $300'000 on my home. Tom has inspired me to say something and I want to say it publicaly today, because I want you guys to hold me accountable. My wife, I see her eyes like-- what's going on? What's he gonna say?

David: Dammit Cody, what are you doing?

Cody: This is April, April of 2017. I stand up and say, I am going to pay off my mortgage before the end of the year. This was $293'000. I see my wife's jaw-- her eyes go and-- what are you talking about?

David: Right.

Cody: Because now we put that at front sight front of mind, I think so many times we don't have a crystal clear-- where we want to be or what we want to accomplish, and because of that, we never see the path of how to get there. Most people just go through the day and it's like, oh this is a good opportunity, let's take it. Oh here's a good opportunity let's take it. Where if it doesn't serve the outcome that you're looking for. Like I wanted to pay off my mortgage. Tons of opportunities will come, then I can look at the opportunity and say, okay does that serve me to pay off my home? Or does it distract me from paying off my home? I was able to determine, no, no, no. The funny thing is, you say no a lot more than you say yes. You have to say no to more and yes to less. That's how you are able to accomplish your goals. We want to pay off a mortgage, I had to say no to hundreds of opportunities. No to more and just yes to less. Because I had my crystal clear goal, I want my mortgage payed off, and 200 people heard this and I'm like,  better make this happen.

David: Boom! Title of the show. Say no to more, say yes to less. Man, I like it!

Cody: That's it. Let's go with that. That's a little-- I should coin that. That's one I came up with about a year ago.

David: Cody, not only does that make a podcast name, that is the truth of the matter. I watched-- I bought a course recently. It was not Dan Sullivan, but-- oh why can't I think of it? Insanity-- something. Anyway, the whole course was about learning how to say no.

Cody: Yeah.

David: Some of the ways real quick, I don't want to go off on too many tangents of course, but one of the ways that they taught you to change the way you think about things, really opened up a lot of doors for me. Here's an example; I don't have a job, I'm an entrepreneur, but most people have jobs, right? They are at their job. I guess you can say my business is my job. Let's say you're at your job and it is 4.30 in the afternoon, you're getting ready to go home, and your colleague says, hey do you want to grab a beer? Well you have two choices, yes or no, right? So when you say yes to that person, you are saying no to your wife and kids, right? I don't have kids but I am married.

Cody: Yep.

David: However if you change the way you think to say, well I can't say yes to you because I'm saying no to them.

Cody: Yeah.

David: I can't be in two places at once time, right?

Cody: Yeah.

David: Instead of me saying no to you even, the way to approach it is to say, listen I wish I could, but if I did that, then I couldn't be over here with the people I love, right? So I'm going to have to take a rain check.

Cody: That's right.

David: But it's kind of teaching yourself that you know-- when you say yes to something you are saying no to something else. Lead with no so you can keep your 'yes's' on the things of your list of things to do, just like you were talking about a minute ago with your newly created to do in front of 200 people-- I am going to pay my damn house at the end of the year!

Cody: Mind you--.

David: I'm just reiterating, yes! Love it.

Cody: Let's go to the quick version, the cliff notes version. By the end of October that year, we had cut our last check.

David: Man!

Cody: We payed off the mortgage and-- here is what I will tell you. That feeling that [00:15:43.09 - inaudible] was telling me about, I don't know, it's just different because, if I got a $1500 raise, like oh well, that's not that great. I think most people that like-- if I pay off my home it's only like a $1500 raise, that's not game changing. Here's where it's game changing; everyday when you wake up, you're thinking inwardly. You're thinking selfishly, you're thinking that I have to wake up and I have to go do something because I have a mortgage to pay, a car to pay, bills to pay, rent to pay.

David: Yeah you have a chain attached to your ankle.

Cody: That's right.

David: The big ball of debt behind it.

Cody: That's right. So everyday is just thinking about you. It's like about yourself, yourself. It's like-- I got to wake up, got to do this, got to do this and got to do this. When that mortgage was payed off, we didn't have any other debt. We bootstrapped. My wife drove like $3500 forest green minivan of all cars. I drove a $1000 Honda Civic where the bumper fell off on the freeway like multiple times, because it was tied on with wire. It's just-- we boot strapped it. We didn't have any other debt. When that home was payed off, ours was about $1700. But here's the difference; when I woke up, I no longer felt the stress of me having to go out and make a deal happen or this happen because I have to pay a mortgage. It was that financial freedom, that feeling of who do I get to serve today?

David: You got off of work arrest.

Cody: Yeah--.

David: Not house arrest but work arrest, and you got off of it.

Cody: Not only that--.

David: Freedom.

Cody: -- it changed my mind set. I no longer thought about myself and what I needed to do for me. I was able to genuinely think outside and say, who do I get to serve today? Who do I get to serve with excellence? And help them achieve this. It made me think differently. I was no longer thinking about myself. I was not thinking about my students every single day. Tom and I, we woke up and we would sit there and say, how do we help sally the first time student get her first deal? We just thought about them. How do we keep giving more value? How do we get them deals? How do we just keep serving? That was a byproduct of being debt free. I no longer worried about myself. Now all I did was worry about others. Really that is when you talk to gurus, talk to like-- when you talk to the most incredible leads in the world; John Maxwells, the Tony Robins, the Darren Hardys. You talk to--.

David: Darren Hardy, that was what I was talking about.

Cody: He's good. You talk to those individuals and they tell you; it's always give give give, then the byproduct is you are going to get all the money you could ever worry about. Your pay check is directly correlated to how much value you bring to the world. When you wake up every day and just want to serve people, the byproduct is you are going to get payed very well. But, it wasn't for me. It was-- how do I just genuinely serve people? Because of that I got payed very well. That was the paradigm shift. I no longer thought about myself. I thought about everyone else.

David: Cody, do me a favor here, let's back up a for a second.

Cody: Okay.

David: So you were an agent in 2010 to 2015, you had a neighbor or someone that lived nearby that was kind of helping you out. That was just like an angel it sounded like, somebody who saw through your bullshit, no offense.

Cody: Yeah.

David: But he knew that you needed help and he started helping, which is amazing.

Cody: Yeah.

David: What an awesome human. I would assume that he became a mentor of yours, and he started teaching you real estate. Is that what happened?

Cody: No, so he had nothing to do with it. He was just the kind individual that saw a need and fulfilled it. That's it.

David: Wow!

Cody: He was a corporate America guy that did very well, made over half a million dollars a year. Just didn't use it for himself. He used it to help bless other people's lives. I learned a lot from that. I learned a ton from that. You can't pay a guy back that already has enough money. So all you can do is choose to pay it forward instead of paying it back.

David: Right.

Cody: Make sure you always do the same thing. That's what we learned.

David: That's very cool. So what got you into real estate? What transitioned you from insurance agent to real estate investor? Let's talk about that if that's alright?

Cody: Yeah, 2015 I come home early, I want to surprise my wife. I had spent a couple of long days at the office, so the following day I'm like, you know what? This work can wait. So I went home--.

David: Sorry to interrupt, this is pre event with Tom?

Cody: Yeah this is 2015. This is prior to getting into real estate. This is-- I have gone into a lot of real estate meetings.

David: Sure, sure.

Cody: Just to go get insurance business.

David: But you're getting insurance people.

Cody: That's right.

David: I like it, very cool.

Cody: So I went home early, I walk in through the front door, walking through the living room into the kitchen, and I hear crying. I knew something was wrong. Like instantly I knew something was wrong. My gut just sank. It was my wife, her head is down in her hands and she is at the table. My heart just sunk. So I said, what's wrong? She wouldn't say anything just sniffing, like crying. It's hurt, whatever it is, it's hurt. I said, talk to me, what's going on? She said, Cody I tried to stay positive, I try to support this, but I don't know how we're going to pay our bills this month. We don't have enough money still. That's when-- gut wrench, it just hurt. Almost like, Cody you're not doing your job, you're not providing for the family, you're not doing what you're supposed to do. Thank goodness during that day, Tony Robins, I was just listening to him on YouTube, I can still hear it like it's yesterday and he says, if you want life to get better, it's you that has to get better. If you want life to change, it's you that has to change. So at that moment--.

David: The problem-- 99% of the time is looking at you in the mirror. I am not pointing my finger--.

Cody: So true.

David: By all means, just communicating. But man, it's called the accountability mirror.

Cody: That's right.

David: That's exactly what it is.

Cody: That's right.

David: The accountability mirror.

Cody: That's right.

David: Man, I love that.

Cody: I know there are people out there listening to this, David, that are like, this kind of sounds like my story. I hope what I learned from it is something they can implement, and see the direct result of what I learned from it. Here's the thing; I had to be willing, I had to be humble enough, because so many times it's easy to go kick the dog, or go yell at your football coach, or your mom, your dad, your spouse, your kids. It's like, the problem is looking at you in the mirror. You can humble yourself down and realize that life will get better if you get better. You hear from Jim [00:22:38.00 - inaudible] one of my favorites of all time; he says, rarely does a person's income exceed their level of personal development.

David: Nice! That's such a good point. Rarely--.

Cody: Rarely does an income exceed their level of personal development. If I want my income to raise, then I better raise myself on who I am and who I'm becoming, and my personal development. Coincidentally, when you raise yourself, your income just starts to follow. That's the truth! So I called myself out; I just heard it that day. It's not coincidence that I am just hearing that message. Cody, you are looking at your wife crying right now. Twenty minutes prior you are listening to a guy that says, if you want life to change, it's you that has to change. If you want life to get better, it's you that has to get better. I went to a REIA meeting the following night.

David: Man, isn't it crazy how-- life does that to you sometimes?

Cody: I think it does it for everyone.

David: Crazy is the wrong word.

Cody: No.

David: Amazing, incredible.

Cody: Amazing. But I think every one of us has it, but it's who's listening?

David: It's who's listening, right. Just when you look in the mirror. You are seeing who you want to see, or are you seeing the brutal truth?

Cody: That's right.

David: Again, just a quick tangent. I've been really trying to focus on my health lately.

Cody: Yeah.

David: I'm not like super wealthy--.

Cody: That's when you stand in the mirror and you're like-- oh, really?

David: 100%.  I'm not super wealthy, but my wealth is to a point where I am very happy and comfortable with, right?

Cody: Yeah.

David: I have 63 rental properties, we wholesale ten a month.

Cody: Yep.

David: And we usually have anywhere from six to ten rehabs going on. So we are doing pretty well.

Cody: Good.

David: I don't have my house payed off, however I do have a different approach, but I think it's great, right?

Cody: Yeah.

David: All in all I have way more money coming in a month off of my passive income than I do off of-- versus my expenses, right?

Cody: Yeah.

David: So that's one side of it, the wealth. The health is another aspect. As of this morning I weighed 284lbs, about five months ago I was about-- sorry 184lbs.

Cody: I was going to say, you do not look 284lbs, there is something wrong with this camera.

David: I'm a little bit meatier than I look. But about four or five months ago I was 214. So I am down about 30lbs give or take. Here's the thing, and this goes into what you were saying. You look at yourself in the mirror everyday, and you don't notice the subtle changes. My fat ass chin getting bigger. Or just looking big in a shirt, right? But one day I look in the mirror and I'm like, man I don't even recognize myself.

Cody: Yeah.

David: When you're looking in that mirror, just like what you were saying though; you can't see what you want to see. You got to see what is actually looking back at you. So that's what the accountability mirror is all about. Boom! Love it.

Cody: Next day I go to a REIA meeting, and a guy is talking about how he puts a deal under contract, then three days he made $27'000. Like, you dirty bag I made 19 grand after 365 days--.

David: I can't wait to tell you the insurance on it.

Cody: That's right. I just like-- okay it's time. It's time. It's going to be uncomfortable, it is going to be very uncomfortable. There was very little money coming in. I went up to him afterwards. He was honest with me and said, ah Cody, you're the type of person that will kill it. I don't want to raise my competition. I don't want to mentor you. I said, at least you said this upfront and I'm grateful for you.

David: Yeah, thanks for being honest. I get it.

Cody: Yeah I started listening to podcasts all over the place. I was listening to everyone you can think of. On multiple during this time, this bubbly fella came on. He sounds like he drinks way too much coffee. At the other time it's like he matched my morals. He matched my values. He wasn't a guy that was arrogant or cocky. Just a very humble servant. I was like, that's my guy. So a few days later I get on the phone with a gentleman by the name of Tom [00:26:44.12 - inaudible] with Wholesaling Inc. Next thing I know I'm enrolled as a student and-- I go through his program and it just starts clicking. Like clicking, why? Because I was with the right mentor. I think there are so many out there, and there are so many that you need to find out who resonates with you? Who do you feel like you can have confidence and trust with? Because I think a lot of mentors-- they all have a lot of the same like-- messages. It's who do you actually believe so that you take the action? That's the hardest thing. The mentors; they all have the answers. The difference is that there are some students that don't succeed because they never had that complete belief or confidence to take the action. Well what if it doesn't work? I had such conviction in myself. That's my guy. If he tells me I have to pluck a hair off a camel's back, then kick a horse. I don't care what it is! I will do it because he is telling me and I believe him, I trust him. I just followed his instructions step by step. 39 days later I did a $24'000 deal and I was just like, what? I started crying. I remember crying like a baby to my wife, I was like, what? This doesn't happen, 24k in 39 days--.

David: I spent 365 days last year making about the same roughly.

Cody: That's right. So it just started snowballing from there. It went from faith to fact. It's like, okay not only do I have to have faith in the process, I have now done the process and I have now seen the check in my bank, I no longer need faith. I've seen it, it works. Once you turn to fact, game over. That's when--.

David: You have all these great sayings; faith to fact, then-- that could be an episode title. We will do another episode, man.

Cody: You let me know however many times until you're sick of me. I will do whatever I can to bring value to the audience.

David: I love it. So faith to fact. You went to a real estate meeting. You were not new to the meetings, but you were new to real estate investing. I love it. You had taken off your real estate agent cap and put on your-- let's learn real estate investing cap. I love it. Boom! There it is.

Cody: We went to real estate at this point, guys. So we go onto real estate. I knew nothing about real estate by the way, nothing. When you say nothing, nothing. The only thing I knew was the home I purchased, I signed documents this thick, and I just remember my eyes being wide open saying, wait I thought the purchase price was 152, why does it say I owe 330'000 after thirty years? He was like, just keep signing! So we knew nothing. We knew very little. But, I had trust. I had trust in his process. Within six months it was like a quarter of a million dollars in assignments. Then it just started snowballing and snowballing. Within the first like-- 15 months, I had done over a million dollars in gross revenue. I couldn't believe it. Like I couldn't believe it. Still, if you took me back to that moment in my mindset, I would have been like, why? I don't get it. I have been working my tail off my whole life. I will tell you, it happened. I'd reach out to Tom and talk to him. This is kind of tying it all together. Tom and I got on the phone and he's like, dude, [00:30:06.11 - inaudible] should never be able to win Mr [00:30:07.08 - inaudible]. What is going on? You are the student and you're winning, what are you doing? So I started telling him, you gave me all the instruction, then I just found some unique ways while I was out there. I love sales, so I found better ways to negotiate. I found better ways to do this. He's like, Cody, we got to team up. This is going to be too good. There are so many people but here's the thing; he didn't look at me as money signs.

David: No.

Cody: We went in-- even partners, he--.

David: You were providing value right back to him.

Cody: That's right. I was willing to call him whenever, and his acquisition manager would be like, damn here's the thing, go out there and try this. It worked. So Tom is like, dude we have got to team up. There-- Tom was bankrupt. Tom before he got into real estate-- that's why he got into real estate. His brother in law-- his step brother, Todd [00:30:57.22 - inaudible] was like, dude I am sick of watching my sister in law cry every night over your patheticness. This is how brutal his brother was. He was like, you're getting into real estate, you're getting in the car and I'm telling you what the first step is. Get in the car and call me when you're in the car. Boom! Started going. His whole point was that he came back from-- he was a bankrupt individual. I wasn't bankrupt, but I was struggling to make ends meet every month. So-- it was so cool to hear Tom say that we had to team up. Here was his answer; not because we could make so much money together, and I think that is something that some people would fall into that trap. He literally said this; Cody, we need to team up. I said, Tom talk to me, what does that look like? He says, I don't know but here's the thing. There are so many Tom [00:31:43.07 - inaudible] out there, and so many Cody Hofhines out there, that are still struggling, and have bankruptcy. We have to find all the Tom [00:31:51.00 - inaudible] and all the Cody Hofhines, and let them know that they can do this. I was just like, yeah.

David: That's sweet.

Cody: I'm part of that mission. Let's go.

David: That's awesome.

Cody: That's why we teamed up.

David: I love it. Hey, thank you for sharing that. I had Tom [00:32:06.13 - inaudible] on the show, episode number 83. We published that April 18th 2019. So that was almost a year ago. You're talking one week away from a year! So it's sweet to have you on today, we will be basically publishing this in a week or two.

Cody: No coincidences.

David: Coincidences, I love it. So you guys went in with the mindset of-- we are so blessed to have met each other, and have this information that has transformed our lives. You guys payed it forward, which I think is so cool.

Cody: Yeah.

David: You said, let's go out and find all the Tom and Codys that are like us that are struggling. We could better their lives. The rest is history. You guys have had-- thousands of students. You guys are-- I would go out on a limb to say this, but the premier wholesale coaching program out there-- there are a lot of real estate programs, right?

Cody: Yeah.

David: But most of them are more-- you guys are really narrowed and niched in, which I think is great. What I tell my students too, Cody, I don't care if you want to be a landlord, or a rehab fix and flipper or whatever; you are going to get your best deals direct to seller. We have a motto within our company and I think everybody should have a similar one. Keep the best and sell the rest, right? But you are still going to get the best deals going direct. What that means is that you need to learn how to get good at marketing. It's a marketing business. It's really a means to an end for me. I want to have a 150 rental properties. Then I will be content, right?

Cody: Yeah.

David: I have my 64th one online this morning actually.

Cody: That's phenomenal.

David: I'm making some moves. But wholesaling is a job. So regardless if you want to do wholesaling or not, you need to learn it. That's really where I think you guys are doing amazing by leading with that. You want to own apartment buildings, great. No better to do that, no better way to do that then to find it at 50 or 60 cents on the dollar.

Cody: That's right.

David: Maybe you can refinance it with the equity and not have a penny in it, right? You are not going to be able to do that without learning how to market. Man, I absolutely love that. Very cool.

Cody: Those are kind words by the way, thank you for those kind words.

David: Oh yeah absolutely.

Cody: We are all in this same mission. I feel like that's why I felt so good to get on your podcast.

David: Hey I appreciate you coming. Yeah absolutely. I don't want to go too long. So let's try and wrap it up here. Cody, thank you so much for coming on the show. We're going to bring you back. Cody you are the man with these one liners, bro. Seriously. Say no more and yes less, that is my favorite, fact to fiction, another good Tweetable topic here, guys. I love it. Cody, where can people find you? Obviously you are on social media. What would be those handles or places to go to get--.

Cody: Cody Hofhine for Instagram and for Facebook. I would say I am probably more active on Instagram than I am on Facebook. But we do that as well. If you find us in real estate groups it is REIFreedom. It used to be called Wholsaling Inc, we kind of want to make sure people understand the whole goal behind this, so we rebranded it to REIFreedom. That's the Facebook group page. Then-- Wholesaling Inc. So they can learn about us. That's us.

David: Cool. So before the episode, Cody had some special offers. If you guys want to see more about it, I'm not even going to tell you what it is. It is kick ass. If you want a special offer, head over to There is going to be a special offer over there for you guys as well. Very cool. Cody thank you for allowing the audience, the viewers, the listeners to get that special offer. It is awesome.

Cody: We're ready for them. Ready to give them value.

David: Hey, thank you so much again for coming on. I appreciate it. Not only was it great to get to know you, but there was several gold nuggets in there that I know I learned a couple of things, and I am sure the audience, listeners and the viewers definitely learned some stuff. We are going to have to get you back on the show here in a couple of months. Again, thank you so much and I am grateful for you time. Any parting words for us, buddy?

Cody: No, just get out there and take massive imperfect action. Don't wait for a perfect plan, they don't exist. Don't map out, don't get into that analysis paralysis. Just take-- commit to massive imperfect action. Know that you're gonna make mistakes but they are going to teach you more than me or Dave could ever teach you. That's just the name of the game. Massive imperfect action, guys.

David: I love it. You heard it from the man himself. Massive imperfect action. I love it. Alright guys, signing off. Until next time. Thanks for listening.

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