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Episode 167: Chris Arnold with REI RADIO

brrrr method david dodge discount property investor michael slane podcast real estate 101 real estate coaching real estate investing real estate investor real estate tips wholesaling wholesaling real estate Sep 22, 2022

Show Notes

In this episode, David Dodge joined by the special guest Chris Arnold from REI Radio. Chris shares about better approaches to radio advertising and how the quality of lead generation can be boosted by radio ads. Also, Chris gave tips on how to change the negative message to positive especially in today's time.

Things that will cover in this episode:

  • Who is Chris Arnold?
  • Reasons why people not advertising in radio
  • How much you pay in Radio Advertisement
  • Radio is a marketing tool that helps you generate leads
  • Why you should keep marketing, not in just radio
  • How to identify your demographic and stations to advertise on
  • How Radio ads can boost your marketing
  • Chris share gold nuggets in business
  • What tools does Chris used in his business
  • How Chris talk to clients while there's a pandemic happened
  • David also shares what tools he used in business

REI Radio Coaching Program:

Chris Arnold's Active Campaign:

You can connect Chris Arnolds on Social Media:

Services Mentioned in this Episode:

Episode Transcripts

David: Alright guys, we are back on the Discount Property Investor podcast. I am your host David Dodge. My partner Mike Slane is out in the field today looking at some houses. I have already ran some appointments today. Get out in the field, run some appointments. This business is all about the numbers, alright? Today I am bringing you a special guest, a good friend of mine, he is actually one of my coaches and he has coached me on getting on the radio and marketing-- but other things as well. He is also one of the-- what would you call that, Chris? Co-founders of-- The Multipliers? Awesome group. So Chris, welcome to the show, how are you, my man?

Chris: I'm good, man. I'm hanging out with you, it's gonna be a good time.

David: Yeah buddy. I know Chris is going to try and find a good time in this episode, take a screen shot like I just did, catch him off guard. We like to take some screen shots here. Anyway, Chris, I am happy that you came on the show today. You have always provided me with so much value, and I know the listeners, the viewers that are going to be watching this are going to find tons of value in this as well. So I essentially hired you-- shoot, it has probably been a year and a half ago to help me get on the radio. You do some awesome radio coaching. So let's talk a little bit about radio real quick before we jump into other things and what not. So I am still on the radio to this day. I changed my message recently with this Covid pandemic. I saw my call volume drop down real low. I don't know if it was the message, or if it was the pandemic or both. But I recently changed it back to just original type of message, and didn't mention the pandemic or Covid, or anything negative. Not that it's negative, but I just wanted to-- basically in my own head I was tired of hearing about it, and I didn't want to be the guy on the radio that was also pumping that information out there. So I'm curious if you have-- what message you're playing right now.

Chris: Yeah we did this weeks ago. With my marketing manager about a 7-14 day turn around for changing the entire messaging. Back then-- things have moved so fast, so when I said back then, we are talking like whatever that's been, six or seven weeks ago. There were two really important messages we had to get out there quickly on radio. Number one, we are open, we are still doing business, right? A lot of people have questions they didn't know. Are we still buying houses? Absolutely we are. The second thing is, we have an entire virtual process which will allow us to maintain social distancing. Even if people knew we were open, then the question they had in their head was, well how are you guys going to do this and not interact fact to face? So we drove those two messages quickly on the radio, and I think that was a key pivot for us to do. Now I am an in agreement with you, it is about that time. Again, I know today in Dallas particularly I can only speak to Dallas, because that's where I'm originally from, so I get updates. Dallas County is opening up more today, right? So some restaurants, I heard some movie theaters and things like that. So I think the Covid-19 message is potentially getting to a point where we're tired of it. I agree with you. So I think the shift potentially back to, what is the best time to get back to a regular radio ad? I think the debate is out there on, should I be here in the next couple of weeks and what does it look like? But it is about that time.

David: Awesome, very cool. So, man, I have to say, I love radio advertising. It takes the failure of doing marketing out of the equation, right? Once you get it going and it's on autopilot, I don't ever forget to go in and buy leads or skip trace leads.

Chris: Set it and forget it.

David: Set it and forget it.

Chris: It doesn't require any manual effort. That's the challenge we have with the other marketing sources, right. So like direct mail, I am required to manually get in there and tweak. I got to adjust my postcard, make sure I am communicating directly my drop dates with the mail company. I got to manage the high lead volume that is low quality coming. By human nature, here's exactly what happens, we yo-yo. I did a couple of drops, massive amount of leads coming in. I'm going to run over here and manage those leads and close those deals but I'm gonna stop marketing. That pipeline is gonna dry up.

David: Oh man, we have all been there, right? We have all been there.

Chris: They yo-yo between it. What you want is, you want a marketing channel that consistently advertises whether or not you as a human drop the ball. You can't drop the ball on radio, because the radio stations are the ones that manage all of the marketing for you, so it's set it and forget it. All you have to do is make sure two things; you pay your monthly bill to advertise, all you have to do is answer the phone when it rings, that's it. That's how easy radio is. I'm like you, I like things that are simple. I like things that are automated, I love set it and forget it type of marketing. Unfortunately a lot of the marketing out there is a lot of work. Out bound prospecting works, without question. But, that is a high maintenance system to run. You are managing people, you are managing VA's, you are managing human beings. With radio you are getting all of that off of the table, which is why I appreciate it, it's easy.

David: It's easy, I love it, man. I think it's-- so we do a lot of outbound activities as well. We always have radio going in the background as well. With radio, it is so broad, right? You may have people that are not on a particular list that have a problem. They get to hear that message. That's the problem with buying a list. We are buying lists of people we assume are going to have motivation. We don't know if they do or not, right? But just because they are on that list doesn't mean they are. There are a lot of people off of these lists that you can't go out and buy or even make yourself. We do a lot of driving for dollars in our business as well. By having that broad reach, I love it, because often times I will get leads that come in and they will say, oh I heard you on the radio. I will start talking to them and they don't have any of the other problems that the people on these lists do. Their problem has nothing to do necessarily with the house itself, right? It is something else in their life, and that house is just something the need help to get rid of to solve another problem. It's typically an underlying issue. So I love it.

Chris: I like that point. I want to drill down on it, because what I call that point is-- radio is not list dependent. So the reason that things like direct mail, RVM'ing, text blasting. The reason those are over saturated in a lot of ways, is because everyone is fighting over the same list. Now those methodologies change on how I go after that list. I can text it, RV it, I can cold call it. I love radio because we are not list dependent. We are advertising to a group of people that might not ever get a postcard, that might not ever get a ringless voice mail. Therefore, when we go out on an appointment, we are not competing head to head with two, three, four other wholesalers in the area. I don't know about you, I much rather as an organization, go pick up a deal in which it is just us talking to the seller. You know as I do, that doesn't happen a lot on the other traditional marketing sources. You really have to compete head to head quite a bit. So I think that's a key point-- it's definitely not list dependent.

David: Yeah absolutely, man. I love that. I'm super lazy. That's the truth, right? I don't want to sit down and do crazy amounts of research and analytics on certain neighborhoods. I know that if it's a good school district, I'm there. If it's not, I will still buy it, but my discount rate is going to be a lot lower when I'm calculating my offer, right? So the radio-- it puts your marketing on autopilot. Really the only thing you need to do is record an ad and keep the bills paid.  Now, Chris has been instrumental, I have to chose my words correctly here. He has been instrumental in helping me achieve very very competitive rates in my local market. He specializes in coaching people around the US on how to get on the radio, and how to do it the right way, which basically means to get in and get the pricing done right, which has a very special approach to doing that. But once you get in at a good price, a fair price, but a low price, you can lock that number in. So Chris, I want to say thanks again for taking me on as a student and helping me. I have been on the radio at this point for-- oh man, maybe a year and a half give or take, something along those lines. I do want to say one thing; Chris, your ad spend and your budget on your radio is massive. I think that it's awesome. I'm growing mine as well, but I am nowhere near where you're at. I want the listeners and viewers to know that this doesn't have to be a super expensive activity. I typically spend between three and five grand a month on the radio. You probably spend ten times that. Where are you at right now if you don't mind me asking.

Chris: Yeah we spend $27'500. But what I would say, one of the reasons that people are not advertising on radio, because the question comes up; if radio is so great, why isn't everyone doing it? One of the things that people assume is that it is not affordable. In order to do mass media, which is three things; TV, radio, and billboards. I have to start at a budget, probably somewhere about 10'000, is the number that I hear. You can get in on radio starting at a thousand to two thousand dollars a month. My first station was $1500 a month in Dallas Fort Worth, which is one of the most expensive cities when it comes to advertising on radio. David, how much was your first radio station in St Louis?

David: I think my first one--.

Chris: Per month.

David: Was about 1800 or 2000. But that's also because I didn't go on one, I went on two when I first got out the day.

Chris: Two stations for two grand.

David: For under two grand, right. I could have easily done one at about a thousand give or take.

Chris: That's my point. People are like wow, then they are like, were you getting a lot of frequency? Every time we say we are spending X amount, like 1500 for a station, or a thousand per station, we are advertising a hundred times per month, which is the frequency that needs to happen to really get it in and own the listener-ship. So you're doing the math real quickly in your head, I will do it for you. That means I was running 60 second spots at $14 per 60's. David, in your world, you were running 60 second spots at $10 in St Louis. That is inexpensive. If you look at obviously the costs to do that. A lot of people don't realize that. David, I want to hit on two things I know right now people are asking themselves. I am going to take a step back. When it comes to marketing, philosophically, the thing that you couldn't decide to do right now, which is going to be to your detriment, is to stop marketing. You have heard it again and again, because here's the problem; you turn off the engine to the car, and we get around this corner. For those of us that kept the engine running, that had the momentum, we are going to speed way past you. To those that stopped, they have to turn that engine back on and start to regain that momentum. That is going to hurt you three months, six months, even till the end of the year. So keep marketing. Not just radio, keep marketing. The only thing you should cut off from marketing is something that isn't producing and you should probably cut that before Covid-19 anyway. So cut off what's not working. People do not understand this. Right now, people are like-- there is an opportunity, right? We know there's opportunity. The whole saying, when there's blood in the street there is opportunity. Let me tell you an opportunity that exists right now; that is the ability to in and negotiate contracts on marketing or anything in your business as a whole, long term at a lower rate. This is crucial. So what I've seen right now on radio, is we know there is a large exit of people advertising on the radio because they could no longer afford it. So that means, that the radio stations started to get in trouble, they're bleeding, they are not selling as much advertisement time. Which makes them the most negotiable I have ever seen in the last nine years I'm doing this. You literally have students one call closing these deals. David, you don't even know this, one call closes, here is my price, let's go, come in and record your ad and let's advertise. I've never seen that, it's crazy.

David: Man, that's awesome.

Chris: Here is a question people ask, well that's great, that's for a month or two, then they are going to drive the price up. No, that price is locked in for 12 months. So as thing begin to open over the next 30, 60, 90 days, whatever that looks like, that means the remaining period of time when people are back our commuting, back out doing what they are going to be doing, we are locked in on a price. I love-- I was just interviewing-- I don't know if you know Jeremy Brant. Before I got off there, owns We Buy Houses . One of the largest franchises in the country, Fast Home Offers. This guy generates over a hundred thousand leads a year. Has spent tens of millions of dollars. Jeremy said something profound I thought. He said, you want to know why South West won the battle when it came to airlines, they got in and negotiated and walked in fuel prices, way before any of the fuel pricing went up. They locked in long term and committed, the other airlines didn't do that. So when the rates went up, they were okay, and that's what I'm talking about. We are getting in and locking in these rates right now. Just like that, it worked obviously for the airline company being South West, that's going to work for you. I'm not just talking radio. Anything you got right now that you can lock in at a discount long term, whether in your business or your personal life, do it! When else are you going to have an opportunity like this to be able to know that the entire world is on the same page, and when you call in to negotiate, you don't have to explain that your business is going through a crisis. Everyone knows it. You don't need to give the back story on what the problem is. We are all on the same page. So get in and negotiate and make it happen. The last thing people say, well people are not out commuting right now. You're right. So the lead volume for a period of time is going to be lower, it's not gone by any means.

David: No, not gone, not at all, absolutely not.

Chris: It's definitely lower, there is no question about that, because people are commuting to work, but people are still out driving, they still go to the grocery store. There is a segment of the population that are still commuting to work. To be honest with you, that demographic potentially is our avatar, right? If we are looking at who potentially buys our houses. People right now that can't afford to stay at home, that need to work, whatever it takes to get out there and do that. What I tell people is, lock it in now, know that you have that price for 12 months and understand that it might be low for the first 30-60 days, but guess what? There is a dam of desire and need penting up, right? People have needed to sell their properties and they are holding off. When that dam opens up, you are going to be on the radio, people are going to know who you are, and you are going to be in front of that call volume that starts to come in from all those people that potentially have had to wait. That is good business thinking right there for sure.

David: Love it, man. Absolutely. There is going to be a flood of motivated sellers that is going to hit the market place here in the next couple of weeks to couple of months. I think it is going to last maybe as long as a year and a half even. It is going to be a long time.

Chris: Who knows? They are going to know who we are because they have been hearing us advertise on the radio before Covid, through Covid, and after Covid. The two things you know that we like the best about radio, David, is number one, you get celebrity status, you don't get that on a bandit sign, you don't get that on direct mail. You are a celebrity in your market, because people that are on the radio are seen on TV, that's where the celebrities of our world come from. The second thing you get is instant credibility. You walk into an appointment, and people go, you must know what you are talking about, because people advertising on the radio are experts. It's the automated assumption without question. So I am actually more passionate, more excited about mass media marketing right now, particularly radio out of the three. We do a little bit of TV, but mostly radio. Nothing on billboards, but I love that segment, and I am super passionate about radio.

David: Yeah, me too, man. I love it as well guys, Chris offers a coaching program to help people get on the radio. Coaches them on the proper techniques to go in and make these offers, how to negotiate with them. Also about the content-- he has a really dope program, I love it, check it out. You can get a direct link to it at, super simple. He-- it will connect you with Chris to where you can get more information about his coaching program. Chris, I love it. Let's talk about some other things, man. What else is going on? I just really want to catch up with you a little too here. What else, what other tools are you using in your business right now that is helping you guys?

Chris: If you look at the shift now that I go back and size up all the moves that I had to make once this hit. As they say, you live life looking forward, but you understand that looking backwards. It hasn't been a really crazy amount of pivoting. Some pivoting, but not a ton of pivoting. The major pivoting that we did, and that needed to happen literally in the first week was getting everything to a completely virtual model, meaning there are three people that I interact with face to face that I can no longer do that with, being with my company. I can no longer interact with the seller face to face. We cannot interact with the cash buyer who we are wholesaling that property to. We cannot interact face to face with the title company. What we did is we got in and we built a model to where we could do all three of those things via video and via social distancing. I think a lot of people right now have picked up on all those tactics, so I am not going to break down every single tactic at this point. But I will tell you, it has been interesting, a couple of tools that we picked up through this process, it's why I like times like this, the challenge, a little bit of that pain, a little bit of that anxiety of what we need to do, it causes you to dig in your business, poke around and find some solutions. One of the solutions that I love that we came across is Rehab Estimator Pro. ERP--.

David: Great product.

Chris: It's a fantastic product and I will tell you why. The MLS system is the go to system for understanding the after repair value. We all agree that that system is accurate, and that creates a universal system whether you're and investor, a real estate agent, a lender; it doesn't matter. We all trust the MLS to help us determine what the ARV is. There has never been an established system on the repair side that we all agree on, and this is why I think investors get such a bad rap, because people are always like, well I think that house is going to cost $30-40'000, it is always pooling that number out, right? And so why I love [00:22:04.02 - inaudible], it is becoming the trusted system for understanding the repair amounts, which-- you know as I do, people are taught how to find deals, evaluate deals, but when it comes to repair, I don't know about you, but I was sent out on my own to be like, yeah you can figure it out, just walk the house. This is the hardest part! It is fundamentally a piece of tech, an app that will allow you to get in, figure out the repairs on a property in less than thirteen minutes. But let me tell you why it is so valuable for us. We have been selling our properties via videos, right? So we get a video from the seller, and we have to figure out what the repair amount is on that house, because we can't enter the house. We have to communicate the repair amount that the cash buyer trusts because they can't enter the house themselves. So we are all making decisions off of video, right? Which is not the same as walking a house. What we have done is we have been able to pull up Rehab Estimator Pro, we literally open up that window, we open up the video we have of the house. As we are always through the video of the house, we are filling out Rehab Estimator Pro, and coming to an accurate determination of the repair amount. More importantly, we are sending that over to the cash buyer who trusts that system more than if we just sent over a piece of paper that said it is going to be X amount. That is making them more comfortable to be able to buy properties. I love Rehab Estimator Pro. Again, that is one value of it now, it has a ton more values, less than thirteen minutes, it's accurate, make sure you never miss anything on a property, you can customize it. Anyone in our company can use it. I like to get the guy who created it, Matt, you know Matt.

David: Yeah.

Chris: I wanted to create something that my book keeper could go out to a property and bring me back the right repair amount. I didn't have to keep being that guy that was doing that. I love Rehab Estimator Pro.

David: How does someone find that?

Chris: Yeah, just go to You know Matt, as I was talking with Matt, he is a super nice guy. He gave me a promo code on that, 70% off per month long term.

David: That's great.

Chris: Usually people DM me for it, but it's reiradio is the promo code. All one word, lower case reiradio, 70% off per month moving forward. As we talked about, time to pick things up at low rates long term while you can. So that's a great little--.  

David: That's a great one, boom! Dropping gold nuggets, saving you guys money, 70% off reiradio, use that promo code over at RehabEstimatorPro. Matt, great guy, the founder of that company, I was chatting with him this morning on Facebook. He is awesome and yes, I interviewed him once. He was saying that he designed it, so his book keeper could go walk through the property and-- repair estimates. He's like, I want to make it dummy proof, and I have played around with it before, and it is awesome, it is really really awesome. I love that.

Chris: It scratches an itch, man. It is an itch we all have, and if you are new to the game, I think this is something that is a no brainer, because there are two things you can't get wrong on a deal as Matt says, I love it. You can't get the after repair value wrong, and you can't get the repair rehab amount wrong. If you get one of those two things wrong, you are in trouble on the deal. So this allows you to make sure that you are getting those things right.

David: That's right. The MLS is only good for the ARV, you need another tool to help with the rehab.

Chris: His system actually does help with the ARV now as well.

David: Yes it does. I saw that in there. It's really cool, man. He has the ability to generate scopes of work, which I am assuming is what you are giving to your cash buyers, and even make offers from that too, right? It's pretty awesome.

Chris: It's cool, absolutely.

David: Very cool.

Chris: The last one that we moved over to that I'm glad I picked up, again, I'm out right now, so you guys-- Dave, I talk to you. New tech is invaluable. I'm a tech guy from the standpoint that I understand the significance of it in my business. So, I have heard a lot of complaining on the side of this about Mail Chimp, about-- for us-- it was-- trying to remember the name of the one we are utilizing. It will come to me. What's the other e-mail company that's like Mail Chimp?

David: Constant Contact, Mail Chimp. Those are the two big dogs essentially.

Chris: That's the one. The two big ones, there's one that-- I get all these names mixed up, but I saw a lot of people posting about their frustration, utilizing those systems to e-mail our properties out to our cash buyers, which is like-- huge! It's the system that controls whether or not we get payed or not on a deal, right? So we were really frustrated with ours. The other thing is, through the process of needing to stay virtual, the ability to inbed videos, not links, videos, easily into an e-mail [00:27:23.01 - inaudible] so our investors could watch them. We were not able to do that with out system, so we moved it over to Active Campaign. I'm a huge fan of Active Campaign. I will tell you a few things we also saw. Again I'm not a tech guy to a point I understand why all this happens. But, our open rate got better with this system, which is huge, because we have a massive cash buyers list. I think right now, last time I checked we were somewhere around 18-19% on our open rate, which is really good on the size of the list that we have.

David: That's great.

Chris: So that has been really fantastic. My chief operating officer just loves the system. It has a lot of buttons where you can click and submit an offer right there. Just makes things really prominent. So now, whereas before we got a lot of calls. We had people automatically submitting offers through Active Campaign. It has all the bells and whistles that we were not getting before.

David: Yeah, Constant Contact and Mail Chimp. I have given both of those companies thousands of dollars. It sucks, man. I hate both of them.

Chris: People complain a lot about them. They're frustrated, I was really glad to come across-- again, I found that system through Ryan, because I called Ryan, who is one of the best tech guys I know. I'm like, Ryan, we're dying over here. What is the best system. Ryan is like, you have to check out Active Campaign. I sent it right over to my CO. Literally by that night she had already switched over, signed up, and was getting everything uploaded, like, that night. That's how fast she jumped on it. So we are going to stick with with that one long term.

David: But you're using that on the buyer side to market your--.

Chris: Yeah but we are also utilize it to e-mail blast agents for deals which is really important. I think the agent e-mail blast is really good, so that is one effective way we are utlizing as well. Not only does it sell your properties, you can utilize it for lead generation.

David: Man, I love it. I haven't checked that one out before. I do my e-mailing through my CRM, REIBlack book, it does it in the CRM, but you would have to have all of your business and all of your stuff in there to justify it, it's $200 a month. But, if you guys are new to the game, or you don't have-- or already have a CRM, check this out, Active Campaign is what it's called.

Chris: Yeah, and I will send you when we get off-- they sent me over a link for that. I went in and I was able to talk with one of the people that run Active Campaign over there. I said, what's some value you can bring for this? They said, they will do a free migration with a kind of code or link I'll send ya. That means-- free migration, like yeah, go in and take all of your contacts from whatever system you're in, and we will upload those for you and we will do that for free.

David: Awesome.

Chris: It's nice-- I know for us, stuff like that at a large level can be a pain. I don't like stuff like that.

David: A huge pain.

Chris: It was nice that they do free migration.

David: Yeah, send me the link, I will add it into the show notes, guys. That's awesome.

Chris: What about you? Any new system wrapping up that you've come across?

David: No--.

Chris: Have you jumped over to any new tech?

David: You know-- I've been using Prop Stream for about a year. I wasn't really vocal about it until recently. But like-- I don't even use the MLS anymore to run comps. I have MLS access. My partner is a broker, my assistant-- I am actually her assistant on the MLS so I have access. I don't even use it anymore. I do Prop Stream for all my comps. I have been pulling most if not all my lists out of there recently too which is cool. So I love that product. Also, I switched over to Batch Leads recently from [00:31:24.11 - inaudible], nothing wrong with [00:31:25.13 - inaudible], great company. They were just more expensive than I was wanting to pay. I switched over to Batch-- they do three things really really well, right? They do a lot of cool things, but the three things that I really like about Batch, Chris, is one, they have very competitive skip racing which is very good. So that's number one. Number two, they actually do list stacking which I'm kind of new to. I've always heard people talking about it and doing it. But it seemed like an extra step, another service I would have to have. So I never explored it. But now that it is built in to the place that I do my skip tracing, it's awesome. So if you don't know what lost stacking is, let's say that you have a list of divorces, absentee owns, vacants, and let's say tax delinquents, right? All of the people on those lists we are assuming they have motivation. But we don't know, right? But if you have somebody that is tax delinquent, has a vacant house, and they are on a divorce list. Again, we don't know if they are motivated or not. But, we would assume that they are going to have a higher level of motivation than somebody that isn't on any of those lists, let alone one or two. So you can see the leads that are on multiple lists. You can then target your efforts on getting those people on the phone, right? If they are not answering a text message or a cold call, maybe we will go and knock those people's doors, right?  So the list stacking feature I think is phenomenal. List stacking isn't new, but it is new to me. They have made it easy, right? Also on that same topic of easy, they don't have templates that you have to then bring your data into to upload. Any file you have that is a CSV or Excel, any of them, you can upload, then it is easy to map. Whereas some of the other services that I've used, nothing wrong with [00:33:34.07 - inaudible], nothing negative to say. But you have to move it over to a template. Just one extra step that you could potentially screw up. I am lazy and stupid when it comes to some of this stuff. Whatever is simple is easy for me. So number one, they do great skip tracing, super competitive. Number two, they do list stacking. Number three, they do cold texting campaigns legally, all from the same dash board, all from the same login, right? So as before, I may have had two or three softwares, now I have one. I bring my leads over from Prop Stream. I put them into Batch Leads, I skip trace them. It then tells me if there are leads on multiple lists or not, and I cold text right from there. That's the three things they do really well. But there is more things that are really cool as well. But those are the three components. One more thing that I think is just phenomenal, Chris, this is one of the coolest things ever, they-- you have all of your leads in there that you skip traced, right? You have your own data base essentially, right? It's in the Cloud. Let's say that I go and get all the vacants in town, I pull them in, I skip trace them. Then next week I need to do more marketing again, right? It's not like radio where you just set it and forget it, right? That's the ultimate thing, I love radio the most. But this is another great system. Let's say I go back in, and now I am just looking at the North County of my city, right?  I have already pulled all the vacants last week, but now I just want to pull the North County. This time I want to pull absentee owned, right? Which would include all of the vacant properties, but it will also include other properties too that are not vacant but are not owned by the absentee. I don't want to get too complicated here. You could even pull another list of just high equity, right? The point is, that if you have people on that first list that are on the second list. You go to skip trace them, right? If you're not using a system that has your whole database, it won't suppress those leads that you have already payed for. To me, it's like-- we spend a ton of money, you were just saying you spent 28 grand almost on marketing, right? Well it's foolish to pay for the same thing twice, right? So if we are spending a lot of money, in my case I'm spending, seven, eight, nine, ten grand a month on my marketing. I don't want to be paying two or three grand to skip trace a big list, or just say three, four or five hundred even, if half that list is in my database already, Chris. So what they do is, they see the leads that are in there, they call what matches, they give you a match savings amount.  So they don't actually charge you for those leads. Why is that important? Well for one it saves you money. But, two, as your list gets bigger and bigger. It's going to save you more and more money. So it's either going to save you money today by not charging you for the leads that you already have, or it is going to add those leads to a bigger list that then gets suppressed to save you money later. So I have only been using Batch for probably for-- maybe six or seven weeks now. Not that long. The skip trace I did literally this morning. It has saved me-- maybe thirty bucks give or take, which isn't a ton. I was actually excited because it didn't, because I need new leads, right? The one I did let's say last week, it saved me $247 on the skip trace, because I had already skip traced those leads, and they were already in my system. So I mean, six weeks it has probably saved me a total of 500 bucks. That's more money in savings than what I pay a month to be a member of that service, and I'm six weeks in. So if you guys are doing skip tracing, I would highly encourage you to do it through batch, because it is going to save you a tremendous amount of money on year one and year three. Just imagine, Chris, on year six. I could put my whole County in. A whole County, right? And it's going to say, okay 35% of it is already in your database. Don't skip trace them. So Batch Leads, it's actually BatchLeads.IO is the website. Batch Leads Stacker is the same site, it actually has two domains, so when you go to BatchLeads.IO, you are going to see Batch Leads Stacker's logo. But, you can try it for free-- not for free, you can try it for $1, pardon my language there, guys. $1 for 14 days, and they throw in 500 free text messages. So this service is cool because it is cheaper monthly, then you pay for your skip tracing and your texting. They only charge for outbound, they don't charge for inbound, which is really cool. You just have to fill up a little balance. Maybe start with twenty bucks. So you have funds in there for the texting, but it is going to save you a ton of money on the skip tracing, the lead stacking and the ability to do your-- texting all from one place. So from $1, two weeks, 500 text messages. Check it out, BatchLeads.IO/Dave. That is how you will get that $1 deal. If you go to BatchLeads.IO you won't see that. Have to go to BatchLeads.IO/Dave to see it. It's a dollar, two weeks, a doll, 500 text messages. Check it, Chris. That has probably been the most exciting new thing I am working with right now. Obviously I mentioned Prop Stream. I think Prop Stream is great. Batch Leads Stacker is brand new to me. I am five or six weeks in. Every time I go to do a skip trace, more and more of those leads cross over from other lists. So A, I'm not paying for them. B, it is logging that information. So right now, I was in there this morning. I already have leads that are on three if not four of my lists. So again, think about six months from now. When I have somebody that is one five lists, maybe I have thirty leads in the whole system that are on four or more lists. Well, if I got a new guy or someone that is looking for something to do, hey, let's get these people on the phone. Have we not been able to reach them? Why? What sources are we using? Are we calling? Are we texting? Are we mailing? Let's do something different. Let's try e-mailing, let's try knocking, right? Those are the people that are going to be the most likely to have motivation.

Chris: Cool, man. I like it.

David: Check it out, BatchLeads.IO/Dave. I am going to put the show notes and all the links and gold nuggets that Chris dropped on us over at It is going to have a link over there to get more information about Chris's program, how to connect with him. We will have some information about Rehab Estimator Pro, which I think is phenomenal. Chris negotiated a killer deal for you guys, 70% off, so lock that in with his code, what's the code? Reiradio? We will add that in there. Also a promo code or a link--.

Chris: I've got a link for you for Active Campaign.

David: Okay cool, e-mail that to me, I will add that in the show notes here, I will have it up in about ten minutes.

Chris: Awesome.

David: Guys, check it out. Chris, thanks for coming on the show. Thank you for providing some value to the listeners, tons of value to listeners, to the viewers. We are going to have to bring you back soon. Any parting words for us?

Chris: No, I think we touched on it all, buddy.

David: We did, that was a good episode, I like it. Guys, thanks for checking us out. Remember, you make your money when you buy, you get payed when you sell. We are in the marketing business no matter what business we're in. Get out there, do some marketing, buy at a discount. Check out if you guys need contracts, or help negotiating and or repair estimate sheets. Whatever you need, it is all over there. Signing off.

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