Real EstateĀ Blog &Ā Podcast

Episode 27: Teamwork makes the Dream Work

brrrr method david dodge discount property investor michael slane podcast real estate 101 real estate coaching real estate investing real estate investor real estate tips wholesaling Sep 21, 2022

Show Notes

Teamwork makes the Dream Work!  In this episode Mike and Dave discuss the importance of an abundance mindset, building and having a team.  The different roles that their team has and how they work with other investors in their market. No one is a competitor if you have the right attitude.  Make strategic alliances and build your team.

Closing Quote : Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” -Henry Ford

Episode Transcripts

Mike:  Alright guys, welcome back to the Discount Property Investor podcast, my name is Mike Slane joined with David Dodge here.

David:  Hey guys.

Mike:  We wanted to welcome you guys back. This is an episode on teamwork. Titled 'Teamwork makes the Dream work'.

David:  Love that title.

Mike:  This is something David and I truly embrace and I know that it has 10X'ed my business listening to that book by Grant Cordone, so -- I know that it has definitely taken my business from the solopreneur drudgery to something I consider a real business. I have come into the office and just been smiling and happy and talked to Dave about this and said, "Hey Dave, we have a real business."

David:  It's great.

Mike:  It is, it is just super exciting. So what do we do? We are primarily a wholesale company, and if you have listened to our previous podcast you know that we are pretty passionate about teaching you guys how to begin investing in real estate through wholesaling. So you can get started with little to no money down -- go back and check out our first probably 10-20 episodes. We really dive in pretty deep on how to wholesale; we have put together also a free course called that teaches everything you need to know to get started in wholesaling. So that is really our driving force I think behind this podcast. We have taken a lot from real estate investing; we want to give a lot back as well. So if you haven't; please go check that out and give us some feedback, let us know what you guys thing, we are always tinkering with it and trying to improve it and make it better for you guys.

David:  Absolutely, there is a feedback section in the Free wholesale course. So if you take the course we would love to hear your feedback, we want to continuously improve, make it better and provide value to the listeners and the viewers so -- yeah guys  thanks for listening today.

Mike:  Great, so let's dive right in then, Dave and let’s talk a little bit about teamwork and -- I guess we will start off with the importance of teamwork and kind of why. Why would you want to build a team and share your wholesale profits? I mean why would you want to give away half for a third or --

David:  I can tell you why I wanted to.

Mike:  Yeah, let's talk about that.

David:  When I met Mike, this is probably -- I don't know close to a year ago.

Mike:  About a year ago.

David:  Almost at this point. I was a solopreneur -- I was doing wholesaling, I was doing it on my own -- I didn't have a team, it was just me. I was working 12-13-14 hour days. It was just very stressful; I was doing all the roles. I was sending out my mail, putting out my bandit signs, I was going out on the appointments -- I was talking to the sellers, I was getting properties under contract, rushing home, getting them up on the website and texting and e-mailing out all the buyers, making the posts. Doing all the things we talked about on the first 10 episodes of wholesaling and how to wholesale. After a couple of months of that -- it was great, I was doing deals, I was making money. After a couple of months of that though; I realised the money is really the follow up in this business. If I was going to be good at follow up, that was going to take a lot of time. A ton of time, because sometimes you can't get the deal right away -- most times you can't get the deal right away. You have to call the seller every week or two, or even -- depends on the frequency, could even be monthly. Just follow up and say, "Hey, this is Dave, I am calling you from my company and I want to buy your house, what's going on? Are you ready to sell yet? Has your motivation changed?" I wouldn't say that, but that's what I'm looking for. It just became one of those things where it was like -- I couldn't do it all myself and If I did, I would either be working more and more and more, or -- I just wasn't doing all the things that were necessary to run a successful business.

Mike:  Yeah.

David:  So to me it was like you know what? Being able to have partners, yeah I am not going to have to split this pie -- instead of owning 100% of the company, I now have a 25% share of the company because it is me, myself and two other partners. But we can do -- at least four times as many deals as one person could at least.

Mike:  We are getting there; we are definitely getting to about that level. When your initially get together, I feel like everyone is kind of doing the same thing -- in my opinion it kind of slowed us down a little bit.

David:  It did.

Mike:  It does, it takes a lot of time to merge your ways of doing things into a way that works for all of you. So stepping back I will give the reason that teamwork and joining a team has helped me so much. So when I started I -- took me a long time to get my first deal. Then I started doing it, started rolling, I had a partner at the time -- and really started doing really well. Then we split up and I kind of went through peaks and valleys.

David:  In the very beginning you had a partner?

Mike:  Yeah.

David:  I didn't know that. Awesome.

Mike:  Yep. So started out -- I looked at him as a mentor more than anything. But then hey said -- you kind of bust your ass a lot lets work together. For whatever the reason, so anyways -- had a partner in the beginning, split up with him and when I was working as a solopreneur -- I went through peaks and valleys. So I would -- just as Dave described; I would grind, grind, grind, and be we working 10-12 hours and then I would be successful and take my foot off the gas on my marketing and my follow up. I would start to inch back into -- oh shit where is my next deal? And I would be in a trough and it would be a little while, then I would ramp it up again, start working and grinding. Have another deal or a couple of deals or whatever it was, have some success, then I would lay back off again.

David:  Right.

Mike:  So I had these peak and valleys and -- I got down on myself for it. But again, it is one of those things where you can't grind yourself 14 hours a day -- some people can, personally --

David:  Who wants to though? That is another point though; yeah you can I did it for a year, several years really in several different businesses prior to wholesaling. But who wants to do that? I think one of the best things about being part of a team is being able to have the right person in the right seat so you don’t have to spend 14 hours a day running the business -- ideally; we just talked about this in our company meeting just a day or two ago. We would all like to work 2, 3 maybe 4 hours a day everyday versus putting in the 14 --

Mike:  With the full understanding that we will make less money as a percentage of it –

David: Right.

Mike:  But hopefully because we have a large team built --

David: The pie will be bigger.

Mike:  Right, it's a bigger pie. So I would rather have a smaller slice of a huge pie, than the whole pie.

David: Than the whole pie if it's --

Mike:  Like the McDonalds pies. Two for a dollar, they are tiny little pies, delicious, but I would have a huge from Sugar fire drill. Their pies are pretty tasty.

David: They are delicious.

Mike:  Again, I would rather have a piece of a much larger pie, and I think that is the reason for it. So we kind of touched on the solopreneur thing, it's tough, it's a grind.

David: You can't scale. If you are a solopreneur like -- you can work -- if you are working 9 or 10 hours a day, yeah you can go to 14 hours a day. It is not something I encourage anyone to do but it is something that's possible.

Mike:  It gets old pretty quick.

David: But you can't go from 14 to 18. You have to sleep, you have to eat, you have to have work life balance. There is only so much you can scale as a solopreneur.

Mike:  You can't go past 24 hours.

David: Right. There are only so many hours in a day.

Mike:  You can't work 24 hours a day 7 days a week. You will die. That is a physical limit all humans have.

David: So, by having team -- that is another great point though; is that you have the ability to scale. You can hire more people or you can just right person right seat. You can say, listen you are really good at this, at following up or going on appointments or whatever it is you are a good at. Let's have you focus on doing that and just that. Then I will take on the other responsibilities. As your team grows you can actually get more and more niche with each person’s responsibilities and duties. So at this point --

Mike:  That's awesome, so it is kind of like the whole story of our economy after the industrial revolution to. So that was something that before, in an agrarian society, farming, everybody did a little of everything. Like you would go hunt for your food, you would go grow your crops, you would do this, you would do that. But then as the industrial revolution hit; that's when we began to specialise, and that's when things got significan’tly better for society as a whole. You had blacksmiths -- I am just going to blow past it because I am not an expert on it, I just kind of know this is whole the world works.

David: Right.

Mike:  So then when you specialise, so you don’t know how to do everything anymore and money allowed us to do that. So I only know how to do one special thing and I am really good at it. So that provides a better value to society and they are willing to pay me for it. So same thing in the company; if you can specialise in that one part of the business. Let's talk about wholesaling then. So I think I am kind of the marketing lead.

David: You are. You are the best at it.

Mike:  Yeah I am pretty good at the marketing so I handle a lot of that. Then Dave -- Dave is one of those guys -- it is kind of annoying because he is really good at everything.

David: Don't flatter me.

Mike:  I just want to -- ugh.

David: That's not true at all. I just like being around people, I am a people person so.

Mike:  It also provides challenges for Dave in letting his hands off of something too, because he can do many things well. So it's -- anyways Dave is one of our --

David: I like to be out in the field. I like to get out, meet the people and try and close the deal, or just get on the phone with people and follow up -- let them know the home isn't worth what you think it's worth and I want to help you, I want to buy it. I am looking for that win win and just convince them that the offer I am making isn't unreasonable based on the current circumstances and -- so on and so forth -- so again we do pivot from different roles. But I like to take on that role, Mike is very good at that, but he also touches on the marketing.

We also within in our company have a closing coordinator, that does nothing but coordinate closings. We brought her on just a couple of months ago, three months ago or so. It has completely changed the business -- completely in my opinion.

Mike:  Full transparency, I am fine with sharing exactly how the company was formed. So we had a person in the role trying to be everything for us.

David: Just like we were to.

Mike:  Trying to do all the admin and that was overwhelming. So we kind of pivoted and said your role is strictly focus on the closings, keep all that on track.

David: Whenever you finish that job for the day, then feel free to jump in on the admin stuff or whatever else is needed. But, first and foremost when you come in, your main job -- contact the title company, contact the seller, contact the buyer, make sure everything, all the 'I's are dotted and the 'T's are crossed.

Mike:  Yeah and I like to -- I mean again you don't need that right off the bat, we are kind of -- I think we are starting to hit our stride now and we are up to -- I always give a big range because -- again I have never been one to brag either but I said 10-20 closings a month.

David: Yeah I would say at least 15.

Mike:  I am just going to go with 10 on the low side, maybe 20 on our busier months.

David: Sure.

Mike:  Again, that is enough to keep somebody busy -- working on just closings.

David: Full time.

Mike:  And it's -- yeah again I think it is one of the things that is helping us -- really start to hit our stride.

David: Absolutely So let's talk about team stuff, I like this.

Mike:  I kind of get side tracked, I do a lot of the marketing, Dave runs appointments, we all run appointments.

David: Of course.

Mike:  One of the things he focuses on more. Dave is really good at tax, so he helps us behind the scenes, does a lot of that as well. We have also got Bill and Ray. Bill is a --

David: He's a character is what he is.

Mike:  He is a character and he is like an idea man. He just has these crazy ideas and -- they somehow work.

David: Bill is great, he is a great resource, great partner -- when it comes to selling deals I am impressed every day at his ability to sell deals. Put people in a role to be investors, he is really good at getting people to not have the fear -- oh I don't know if this is something I want to do, I don't know if I want to buy this particular property and -- we call Ray the Rhino, but Bill is kind of a Rhino too, man.

Mike:  He is!

David: He tells people, hey if you want to be an investor, if you want a passive income, if you want to quit your job you need to do this. He is very good at it. He sells deals and -- not only does he make the company money but he is setting other people up for success by becoming landlords and having properties.

Mike:  He isn't pushing bad deals on people either.

David: No, not at all.

Mike:  That's the thing.

David: We wouldn't buy them if they were bad deals.

Mike:  We are in the business of finding good deals and providing good deals to people. No, he is an excellent salesman. Ray is --

David: Ray is the Rhino.

Mike:  Ray is the Rhino. There is no other way to describe him. What are we going to do? We are going to do this. He just gets it done. Ray handles a little bit more of the accounting side -- the book keeping rather. We have an accounting company as well that helps us.

David: He gets a ton of a deals too.

Mike:  Yeah, again we all fall into our strong suits and we have all kind of complimented each other well. So when you are building out your team, it is nice to find a group of people that are like minded. One of our things is -- one of our mottos I guess is -- equal work and equal compensation. What is it? I can't remember now off the top of my head.

David: Shared work --

Mike:  Shared effort, share work, share rewards. So it is basically we all know that we are contributing --

David: I should know that.

Mike:  We are having out meeting this Saturday. So we also follow something called the EOS model, the entrepreneurial rating system.

David: It's a great model, Traction.

Mike:  Traction, yeah you got to read that book Traction, if you are thinking of building a team. It is -- or even if you sort of have a small team I think it is definitely the way --

David: Traction and what is the other book about the girl that makes the pies? Oh man, I can't think of it right now -- the one --

Mike:  It is not coming to my brain at all.

David: I will think of it.

Mike:  We will put it in the show notes.

David: Yeah, after Traction I will think of it here in a second.

Mike:  So basically it allows you to specialise which -- again it allows society in general and your company to do better. You can do more by doing less.

David: Right.

Mike:  You have other people do things. So -- let's talk about that, then let's talk about -- I guess virtual assistants then.

David: Absolutely.

Mike:  So that is another couple of key players on our team. We are only really listing the people I think are --

David: The main part of our company. We have a lot of people we would consider to be junior buyers -- they are not on the salary, they are not on the pay roll. They are more joint venture associates.

Mike:  It is --

David: We say, hey we got more leads than we can handle, go work these. If you can work them and bring us the deal then we will be happy to give you 40-50 even 60% of the deal depending on the amount of work you did to bring that to us.

So we have anywhere from 3-10 people at any given time -- that we would consider to be our junior buyers. They are partners, they are just not owners are on salary.

Mike:  It's hard to even call them junior buyers you know? I don't know what the right word is -- because they are not employees, we do not consider them employees, but they are not owners of the company. They are joint venture partners. They are great; again, it is kind of someone like you listening who hasn’t done a deal. We have got a lot of leads coming in, we will pre vet it. We have got some virtual assistants on there and we will say, hey listen this is a T'ed up deal, go out there and see if you can’t make something of it.

David: Also right person right seat. For instance we have one of our joint venture partners who -- he lives about 15-25 minutes North West of our office. None of the other owners or partners live in that area. So if we get a deal in that area -- there is no reason I couldn’t drive up there myself up there to go vet that deal, but he is already there. It makes sense; he knows those streets, he knows those neighbourhoods -- he knows the values of those properties a lot better. I would rather say hey, go work this deal you know it better, you are going to have a better chance of getting a better price on it than me. I would be more than happy to split it with you just because -- this is going to be easier for you to work it. So on and so forth.

Mike:  And so the other thing is, these junior buyers -- eventually -- Bill is more keen on this one; is talking about replacing yourself. So if you are building a true business eventually you do -- we want to step out of our roles eventually. So we are happy to hand those off to other people. As they come up and we work more and more deals with them, get to know them better and as they progress as well -- we are happy to hand off more responsibilities from our company and compensate them obviously for doing so. So again, small piece of the pie but a bigger pie.

David: Right, so let's talk about virtual assistants, Mike. We have -- two virtual assistants as of today. I would imagine that in the coming months we will probably pick up a third one.

Mike:  By the time this is published we will probably have three.

David: But the two virtual assistants we have now are rock stars. We love them, they are great guys. They pretty much do all the administrative work for us at this point. Their roles consist of answering the phones, both on the seller side and the buyer side. They schedule appointments for myself, Mike, Ray and Bill. They run comps and provide is with an MAO. So we have kind of trained them to say, hey this area, this zip code, we can do an ARV times 70%, an ARV times 80% or so on and so forth. They can provide those comps to us prior to the appointment.

Mike:  Let me kind of jump in there. That is something that is important is that we trained them on the way that we do it. So that is another thing; everyone on your team -- the reason that you are the owner of the company is because you are developing the processes that work for you and work in your market. So we have developed those processes and handed them off to our virtual assistants saying, this is what works for us, this is how we want you to do it, do this for this and -- it works.

David: It works, it works great.

Mike:  Yeah so you have to develop your processes first before you give it to someone else. You can’t blame them for doing something wrong if you never told them how you wanted it done.

David: Absolutely.

Mike:  And that's something -- as you grow a company I think you learn --

David: You know Mike and myself we -- get together at least once a week, if not twice a week and talk about additional training and we both have the mind-set, that if the virtual assistants -- are not doing something right; then it isn't their fault. It's our fault because we haven’t trained them properly.

But back to their duties, they are on the phones, they run comps, they set appointments for us, then they are follow up machines. That is, in my opinion one of their biggest strengths because, following up on 800 leads -- even if you only have to call those people every other week, that is 400 phone calls that need to be made a week. If I had to make 400 phone calls a week I would have zero time to do anything else.

Mike:  This is in addition to new incoming calls and all the cleric work. It's a full time job -- that is part of the reason why Dave and I both -- my peaks and valleys and Dave working 12 -14 hours a day.

David: Right.

Mike:  I mean to keep up with all that -- it’s monumental. It's a huge undertaking.

David: We have certain leads that I have the virtual assistants call every single day. There is one lead that I can think of right now that we have been calling every day for almost two months. If we are going to get the deal, I am so persistent -- that we are going to get it because we keep calling.

Mike:  What's great about that too is -- your virtual assistant is going to build a relationship with this person as well. So real estate is a numbers game, a people business, it is a relationship business though. So you are building a relationship with this person as well. By having that phone call every day, every other day, whatever your virtual assistant is doing; you are establishing a relationship saying, hey -- Mr Seller or Mr property owner, I want to buy this house, we want to buy this house. We are calling you because we want to buy it.

David: Right.

Mike:  So when somebody else drops a letter in the mail and they see it; they may throw it away, oh I have somebody who is looking to buy it.

David: I've got a guy that has called me every day.

Mike:  Yeah. This dude wants this house.

David: He's excited to buy this house.

Mike:  So it is one of those things where the money is in the fob. It is a huge thing to be able to outsource that to your virtual assistant. You don't want to do that until you are comfortable with that person on the phone. It is very important that you are training your virtual assistants the way you want them to be calling people.

David: So -- yeah the importance of having somebody to do administrative work. They don't have to be virtual -- but I would highly recommend getting an assistant when you get to the point where you can afford one. Even if you are on the edge like, oh I am making enough to where I can afford one, but I don't know if I want to do it. My -- advice to you would be to do it. Because it is going to alleviate so many of these tasks that are very important tasks; but they are tasks that take away from you running your business. You need to spend at least 20% of your time working on the business in my opinion, if not more than in the business.

Mike:  Again, our situation is different to. I mean because we have four owners, so if each one of us is spending 20% working on the business, that's huge. That is almost somebody all day, every day is working on the business in addition to us working in the business. But I think of it also as a progression. So -- as you move further out of your role in the business, obviously you are going to be working on it more and more, until you can kind of let it run on autopilot.

David: Absolutely.

Mike:  So that's -- yeah. It is pretty cool, and again -- I said earlier it is very exciting to be the owner of your own business, and something that really feels like a real business. I'm not talking about setting up an LLC -- I mean I have done that in the past, I have had plenty of those prior to this. But to have something that really operates like a company is exciting.

David: It's a machine.

Mike:  Yeah it is a machine. We are building a machine.

David: Well it's cool, here is a perfect example; Mike just got back from what -- a 14 day road trip?

Mike:  Yeah, something like that.

David: Right -- we missed him and he was obviously working a little bit here and there when he could. But he was with his wife and --

Mike:  Not enough.

David: Well it doesn't matter, we get it. We are in business to make money; we don't work to live --

Mike:  We don't live to work.

David: We don't live to work, we work to live. So the point is though is that you were gone, and when you came back a day or two ago we had like six or seven deals sold.

Mike:  Unbelievable.

David: -- that you didn't even know about.

Mike:  I was trying to catch up on my -- I don't know.

David: Right. But it's great though because that gives everybody the ability to take a week or two vacations whenever they want -- and know that when they get back, the rest of the company has --

Mike:  Oh, it's awesome.

David: --made money for the group so.

Mike:  And -- that whole me being able to leave and not thinking oh my gosh, all the marketing I have put in place, no one is going to answer that till I get back. Or oh my gosh all the -- issues that I am going to have to come back with.

David: 72 voice mails.

Mike:  But 90% of the stuff was handled. I only have a few things that I really had to jump on and get taken care of.

David: But you hit the ground running when you came back.

Mike:  It's great it really is.

David: So one other thing I want to touch on Mike, you might have a topic or two as well; but one other thing I want to touch on is even if you are new to this business and you are not to the point where you want to start -- building your team, however I recommend you build a team as soon as possible. But if you are not at that point yet, you can still partner with other people that may be hands off. So essentially go out and partner with any guy and they could be a silent partner in your business, or just loan you money. But you are still creating a team if you think about it. You are going to put in the sweat and equity and go out and find the deals, and they may be the ones that have some money to help you close on those deals or back you. So being a solopreneurisn’t a bad idea, but it is just in my opinion impossible to scale. It is impossible to ever really have something big without -- having a team so.

Mike:  There is, there is an inherent risk with it. I think we are really lucky, and again I really do think we have a great company and we are still building it and going to be -- we are going to go national before you know it. But long story short, there is a lot of risk with it to. That is something you have to be comfortable with, so that goes back to the selection process. So as Dave was saying, you are building a team to help you and loosely partner with. That is something you shouldn’t be scared of and Dave has a great outlook on it. No other persons wholesaling is really a competitor. These are all people we are going to be able to work with on deals.

David: When I see another e-mail that comes over with a wholesale property, I’m excited. I am not like damnit that guy beat me to it. I just don't have that mind-set.

Mike:  Let's talk about the deal that just happened the other day. Crazy little deal. So again, we don't -- Dave I will let you do it. You know all the details.

David: You got to keep me in a time frame because I could go on for half hour about it.

Mike:  You got three minutes.

David: Ok three minutes.

Mike:  Give us the three minute version.

David: So this is a really cool deal. This is a deal that -- talking about Russell?

Mike:  Russell.

David: Ok, so this is a deal that was sent over to Bill by an agent, and it was a deal that -- it is a pretty --

Mike:  There are so many parts of it so just do --

David: Complicated deals --

Mike:  Just do the Bill, us then -- Ryan on the backside of it.

David: Got it. Ok, so Bill gets a deal over from an agent. We send someone out to go look at the deal and we are like ok, we think we can make a decent amount of money on the wholesale of the deal, 10,000 give or take. So -- we get the deal under contract and we send it out to all of our buyers and we start showing the property. Well we get a call from another real estate company here in town. A nice big company and they do a ton of retail, they do a ton of wholesale, and they do a ton of rehabs. Anyway the owner is a friend of mine, he calls me and says, hey -- I have this deal under contract -- I was like oh ok -- I apologise if I am stepping on your toes, that is not my intent, but we have it under contract to. Either my contract is void or your contract is void, either way I want to work this out. If we can work together on it we will. If I have to walk away, I will walk away.

Mike:  We are not trying to make enemies; this is -- again like I said, it's a joint venture.

David: I was happy that I got the call. It wasn't like a frightening thing like, oh shit I screwed up. It was more like -- ok let's figure this out because -- either we screwed up or -- we didn't, let's figure it out.

Mike:  What's going on?

David: What's going on? Exactly. On a side now that gentleman, great, great guy -- a friend of mine -- had sent out one of my deals a couple of months prior that he didn’t have under contract, so it was kind of funny. Now it was like uh oh, I just did what you did, but whatever it doesn’t matter, it's irrelevant. So -- anyway -- we start kind of investigating and it turns out that he did have the property under contract -- a couple of weeks prior -- but the property went to a foreclosure sale.

Mike:  The tax auction.

David: It went and it sold at the auction, at the court house -- so it was a new owner. So he had the contract on a property with a seller that no longer owned the property. He didn't know it and I didn't know it until he saw the e-mail that went out with the deal. So to make a long story short I will wrap this up. He is like, hey I had it under contract, I don't anymore bummer, you do. However I already had the deal sold, I had it under contract to buy, I marketed it and I had it sold. I was like great, let's just team up, let's sell it together. He said, fantastic I don't have a problem with that and -- I said fantastic as well. So he already has a buyer lined up for the deal and we are going to joint venture on it and split it 50:50 -- so we really didn’t have to do a whole lot on that deal. We did market it; we did show it a couple of times. If anything happens with that buyer, than I am sure we will have no problem selling it to somebody else. But it was one of the easier deals because we didn’t have to do much other than getting a call from him saying I got a buyer on it. Fantastic.

Mike:  The reason I really wanted us to share that story was -- it's a mind set to. So if Dave had said, I got it under contract get out of here --

David: Hey screw you man this is my deal!

Mike:  It is with anyone so if --

David: I would never do that.

Mike:  Right and if it wasn’t like another company, even if it was just a random wholesaler, if he has already got it sold -- again we don’t know -- but again you always want to be building relationships with other people. You just want to be building those relationships because -- you just never know how easy things can work out. He is going to make a little bit of money; we are going to make a little bit of money. We don’t know, maybe he is making less, maybe is making more now. It doesn’t matter us, we are going to make a little bit, we didn’t have to do much more than a couple of phone calls. So --

David: But again -- I think Mike has got a great point -- you can team up with anybody and everybody at different points in your life, career and business. In this particular deal we are teaming up with a competitor. But again, I don't look at them as competitors. I look at them as strategic partners. Because yes they are doing the same thing I’m doing; but the can leverage my buyers list, I can leverage their buyers list. They can leverage my marketing efforts so on and so forth. So just because we are going after the same deals and we are making money in the same business space -- doesn’t mean we can’t work together. So team work, if you don’t have a team I highly recommend building on, it will allow you to work less, make more as you grow your team, maybe not right away.

Mike:  It probably won’t be right away. That is another thing -- full disclosure -- we -- I -- we took a step back in our earnings when we came together. Now we are kind of hitting our stride and I feel like we are starting to get paced up to hopefully make some more money like we had been.

David: Then after six months after that -- we are hoping to continue to make that money if not grow it, but also work less. Replace ourselves and get into some other avenues other than just wholesaling.

Mike:  It's very exciting so I mean that is another thing to be aware of. So when you start your investing career -- you will probably be a solopreneur which makes sense. You are going to build a loose team -- if you are doing rehabbing or wholesaling you are going to build a loose team of people to help you here and there. And -- yeah pretty exciting. So teamwork makes the dream work.

David: Hey, teamwork makes the dream work. I got that from my buddy Damen, that is a great quote.

Mike:  And who knows where he got it from.

David: Mike, let's end, let's close it out man, give us the ending quote if you don't mind.

Mike:  Let's do it. "Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. And working together is success." And that is by Henry Ford so -- somewhat successful entrepreneur.

David: I would say so.

Mike:  Alright guys, thanks for listening to the Discount Property Investor podcast. If you haven’t please go back and listen to our first couple of episodes and check out the free whole sale course if you are looking to get started in real estate investing. Thanks guys.

David: Thanks guys we will see you next time.

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