Real Estate Books

The Ultimate Guide to Wholesaling Real Estate 

  • Learn the Basics of Wholesaling
  • Finding Motivated Sellers
  • The Many Marketing Methods
  • Using Contracts to Gain Control
  • Selling your Deals to Investors
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The 3 Pillars of Wholesaling 

 Learn the 3 money making activities that need to be focused on over anything else if you want to have a thriving wholesaling business!

  • The 3 Money-Making Activities
  • Marketing, Marketing, Marketing
  • Making Lots of Offers
  • Following up Like Crazy
  • Taking Action & Staying Consistent
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BRRRR Method Book

Build a Rental Empire with Nothing Out of Pocket!  Learn how David Dodge & Mike Slane have acquired over 200 units with none of their own Money,

  • Buy At Massive Discounts
  • Rehabbing Properties
  • Renting Properties
  • Refinancing Properties
  • Repeating to Achieve Freedom
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About The Authors

Mike Slane

Before I started investing, I took a more traditional route for income. I was a college graduate, and I worked a day job. I knew I wanted something different out of life, when I read the book, “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” by Robert Kyosaki. At the time, I was living under the cultural expectations of going to college and getting a ‘real job’ that he mentions in that book. So I started investing. I bought another couple of rental properties after that four-family. I was single at the time and reduced my cost of living down to almost nothing. I made enough money off my rental properties to pay my bills, so I had enough rental income to survive off. I couldn’t handle working a day job anymore. So I quit. Prior to doing any wholesaling.   I do NOT recommend this!  Get your feet wet in wholesaling and do a few deals and then quit your job. 

David Dodge

St. Louis Real Estate Investor with over 17 years of experience.   He first started investing in Real Estate when he was in college, at the age of 20 while attending the University of Missouri-Columbia.  David specializes in wholesaling real estate as well as teaching others how easy it is to learn how they too can wholesale Real Estate for huge profits.  David and his team have wholesaled over 600 houses to date and his company “House Sold Easy” averages about 8-10 wholesales a month. David also loves to fix and flip properties as well as add properties to his rental portfolio.   David has over 50 rentals currently and he has a goal to take his rental portfolio to over 150 properties in the next 24-36 months.  

Real Estate Courses

Courses That You Might Like

Explore our top-rated courses designed to help you succeed in real estate investing. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced investor, our courses cover essential strategies and techniques for the St. Louis market and beyond. Gain the skills and insights needed to thrive in the competitive world of real estate.
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Free Wholesale Course

Learn to flip properties with little to no upfront capital. Discover the secrets of wholesaling real estate and start your investing journey today.

Free Landlord Course

Get started in real estate investing with minimal investment. Learn to buy rentals with little to no money out of pocket, designed by David Dodge & Mike Slane.

Ultimate Wholesale Course

Master the wholesale real estate industry. Gain skills in sourcing, negotiating, pricing, and marketing to build or expand your wholesale business.

Ultimate Landlord Course

Learn the BRRRR Method to create wealth and cash flow through rental properties. Use Other People's Money to maximize your investment potential and build a profitable portfolio.

Get in Touch

Address:   1750 S Brentwood Blvd #701, St. Louis, MO 63144

Phone: 314-254-8830

Email:  [email protected]